A morning walk......
You might be wondering how can i be so much punctual to have a morning walk, especially being a hostler, its almost impossible......lolzzz....:P But there are still a couple of them who have the guts to wake up in the morning to go to gym, morning walk, jogging, etc...etc...etc...ohhh...the most important thing i forgot to mention.....Its getting up in the morning at right and having breakfast....its all over at 9 in the morning.....now you can understand how much difficult it is to have it. Its been almost 1 month when I had my last breakfast(and its was at my sweet home...) Actually, today I got up early in the morning, so thought of having a round of the area near the hostel as i was not in a mood to go for a long walk.....But there was nothing to see around and in going far you will get a lot of traffic, dust, and all..... No greenery(that's what everyone searches for during the early morning walk), all around.....and that just reminded me of my days in KANPUR...... Right no...