He did that at 100, can you do that at 20...???
Well, how many of you, especially those who're in 20-30 year age group, are comfortable, if asked to run for quite a distance, say for 10 km race...??? If yes, then imagine yourself running the same distance at the age 100. Obviously many of you might be thinking that you won't be alive to celebrate your 100th birthday, then how can I ask you to participate in a race, isn't it...??? Anyways, lemme tell you, there's a guy who completed full marathon, 42.195 km, at the age of 100years 6months and 15days , he is Sardar Fauja Singh , the Guinness World Record holder for oldest marathon runner and the one with the fastest time among the people of 90+ age group with 5hours and 40minutes . Here are his world records(all of them for age 100 and above): 1) Fastest 100 meters, 2) Fastest 200 meters, 3) Fastest 400 meters, 4) Fastest 800 meters, 5) Fastest 1500 meters, 6) Fastest 1 mile, 7) Fastest 3000 meters, 8) Fastest 5000 meters, 9) Fastest 10000 meters, 10) Fastest MA...