
Showing posts from September, 2009

Why life plays so many games with us?????

Everything was going as it should be.......then suddenly something happens and everything changes in our life.......some of these changes are acceptable and but some are not...somehow or the other we try to undo these changes but most of them are imposed on us, Why?????? Nobody knows the answer, many can interpret it in different ways, but the exact answer will never be obtained.....some satisfying answer that one gets is "Its the rule of life...we just have to face it, and so nothing can be done..." or "Anyone can decide their luck on their can also do it...don't loose hope...just keep going..." But these answers rarely help...sometimes you are left alone when you are in need of someone - sometimes due to such circumstances, or sometimes due to misunderstandings. Many of the other times you are stuck in some difficult situations and not able to get its solution, and you can't even share your problem with not even to your close one's...this i...

My 2nd birthday...haha - 3

This time it was something different.....Actually, as my birthday lies in September, so most of the time we had internal exams(in school) or such sort of stuff, so i never celebrated my birthday properly except for a couple of times....maybe for the last three years or so..not more than that, (as much as i remember)......And what was about to happen on this day, i had never imagined such beautiful birthday, atleast till date...don't know about the future......... But this time it was about to be something special, and i didn't knew that.....Everything that took place was normal until it was in the lunch time that day, when my friend Purnendu Chaturvedi handed over to me a Birthday Card which was sealed.....When I read on the envelope, it was a total surprise for me....It was from my sister, DEEP..and it reached to me traveling a long distance right away from Pune.....this was really a surprise package for me....thanks a lot sis....I'll remember this for ever..... This wa...

My 2nd birthday...haha - 2

Lets move on to the photo gallery of my birthday........ 1) Lets start of with a cake.........hmmmm....yummy...isn't it...??? 2) In a funny...naughty mood....... 3) Just trying to be serious.....nothing else...:) 4) That yummy cake on my face.....haha...I liked it.... 5) I was just trying to ensure that everyone gets the cake(coz in return everyone will make me eat the same...and i liked it), but unfortunately or fortunately..i don't will see my batchmates clicking my pic with this girl only.....Ohhh, i forget to introduce her...."Abira Bandhopadhyay"....and the CAMERAWOMEN was "Aditi"... 6) Some of the guys...from my batch.... (from left)..Ayush, Chaitanya, Pardon(..ooopppss...Gaurav Arora), Anuj, Sobhagya, Purnendu.... (sitting)..obviously me.... 7) Batch girls....with me at the centre.....(me the b'day boy).....haha.... (from left)Ajeeta, Abira Bandhopadhyay...... (from right)Komal, Swati Ramachandran....... 8) Its ...

My 2nd birthday...haha - 1

Aaahhhh...!!!! don't confuse yaar....i'm talking about my 2nd birthday in the college..... started of very painfully.....with lots of hits on my back....really very painful yaar.....leave it dat was very painful..... Unfortunately, I had my lecture all day and lab test for electrical machines and instruments the very next i didn't enjoyed a lot but still the day was much more than the expected under such conditions.....haha..... The day started of with EMI lecture, and there our lecturer wished me for my birthday....I don't know how he is able to know this that its my birthday...actually nobody knows this....that was the biggest surprise till that time for me....Two of them are more to come, and they were much more greater than about that later in my further posts..... The day went past slowly and then in the evening it was party time.....Cake and bumps gave a great combination.....the day went very well.....

No Dream too big...neither they r too small...!!!

If you don't dream, then how will you know what you want to accomplish..........But day dreaming is bad..dream only at night, that will be much better.... Today was the first robotics introductory class for the first year......and my seniors were conducting lectures for them.....A huge number of them came there to attend the same, like we did last year..haha...I remembered my own time when me and my friends appeared in large number to attend the robotics workshop. We started with a lot of big dreams but very few of us remained in the robotics continuing with their work. We dreamt of making big bots and started with small once. However luck never supported us and we never ever won any consolation prize either, once the power supply failed, the very other time we were out just before the last round.....No matter we are still dreaming about that, and hope that someday i get the success in what i have dreamt off.....However i'm still happy that atleast i learnt something new....s...