
Showing posts from 2016

A Beautiful Message to end 2016..!!

Everyone dies alone; But, If you meant something to someone; If you helped someone; If you loved someone; If even a single person remembers you; Then maybe you never really die and maybe THIS ISN'T THE END AT ALL. ☺  ******************* PS: I'm pretty sure those who used to follow the TV series: Person of Interest must be smiling right now.

The Theory of Being Everything..!!

" There’s nothing more intimate in life than simply being understood."  ~ Brad Meltzer Honestly, the bits and pieces of this post is in my diary and notepad for few weeks now. And still when I started to write it here, then also I'm not sure what this post is about. I think maybe if I start writing, it might help me clear out things. I understand that everyone has their secrets. Everyone has a dark side of them, a dark passenger, who always accompanies them. Everyone has a chapter in their life that they don't read aloud. I too have some of them. I too have a dark passenger whom I like to keep in check. But lately this companion of mine has gone rogue. I didn't let it hurt anyone else, so now it's after me. Well, I think it needs me to speak out. But the biggest problem with me is I don't know how to stand and speak even if something wrong is going on with me. I end up being quiet. Another thing I don't understand is: if someone i...

Million Emotions..!!

Image Source They say, A picture says a thousand words, But sometimes just by adding a verse to it, You can portray a million emotions. ****************** They say, Always speak up for your rights, But sometimes just by adding a silence to it, You can win a million fights. PS: A totally random thought posted as it struck my mind..!!   

Letting Go..!!

People come,     People go. Some leave an impression on my mind,     With some my heart starts to rhyme.     Started as a wicked friendly partner in crime,     Our souls ended up making sweet sounds like a chime. Here I am left alone bidding everyone one by one a farewell,     Whatever life has planned, for them I always pray that all goes well. Well, Once again with a heavy heart and crying soul,     Here I am letting another one go.  PS: Another random one I guess.

Death's Desire...!!!

The first time I saw her,     I felt attracted. Somethings were off about her,     But from her, only perfection got refracted.     She was lying down on a beach,     In a one-piece that was colored peach. The sky was lit in a white-chocolaty shade,     Romantic you may say, but my desire to get her was like a sharpened blade. Few patches of dark clouds here and there,     Every passing by hour of sky had showed it's own glare. Waxy yellows, cloud spat blues,     My attention got stuck on her like with a glue.     Her body,     I must say it was perfectly gaudy. Erupted inside me, a desire to get her;     To touch her and lay my hands upon her. I wanted to carry her in my arms,     Embrace her with a body so warm. I promised myself, when her time will come, she won't feel a thing,     I'll take her as she is...

सावन आया ॥

आज बाहर निकला तो मौसम का मिज़ाज कुछ उखड़ा-उखड़ा सा लगा । ऊपर देखा तो बादलों में अजीब सी होड़ मची थी ॥ हवाएं इधर-उधर सकपकाई सी भागती हुई लग रही थी । थोड़ा आगे बढ़ा तो वृक्षों में एक अलग सा उत्साह नज़र आया ॥   मैंने पूछा "इस उमंग और उल्लास का कारण क्या है  ?" वो झूम के बोले "सावन आया" ॥   PS: The post is inspired by chat with 2 of my friends, Lucifer and another one I call him "Ninja".


Are you a spell writer?, or You yourself are a spell? You've spell bounded me for a long time my friend, And I'm unable to get out of the spell. Things feel like I'm floating in an constrained gelly like universe, Or is it a closed shell? Sometimes with hazy feelings, it feels like I'm a frog, Who's unable to come out of his well. Everything seems so fancier to me, Am I becoming habituated to this as a dwell? With no discernible division into parts, Is it a continuum? PS: A random scribble from long time ago which I forgot to post. Found it in the old archives.


A random one from my old archives. The cold wind brushed past my face,   As if trying to win any race, I wondered how it felt to fly by,   Around everyone exposing their emotions so wry?   So small they're, yet so refreshing,   With a fragrance of earth arising,   As messengers of peace sent from the sky,   The raindrops fell on my temple in a manner so sly.

In the name of GOD..!!

Pardon me if words don't rhyme, Pardon me if they sound unpleasant like a wind chime. Pardon me today if I sound blunt, But I promise you that it is no publicity stunt. Everywhere around us, everyone is fighting, Around them everyone wants some money-fame-glimmer-lighting. There is unrest everywhere around us, If we ponder with a clear mind, situation really sucks. In the name of GOD, people are killing each other, Though HE teaches us love and respect, but no one bothers. The way it’s going, although started to unite, We might end up categorizing into a religion even those little termites. Forget what the religion was earlier, But now to hide the dirty game of power and politics it’s a name which is more like glorified and fancier. Why don’t we observe the nature around us? Why don’t we observe those beautiful stars shining in the heavens? Look at the beautiful sickle-shaped moon, floating like a boat, But instead we chose to look around on others and on their miseries...

Romanticism de Presstitute...!!!

If you shall be poor and denied rights, pick up a sugar Felt humiliated at lack of jobs, the skills sucked, pick up a sugar Couldn't handle the rationality of maths pick up a sugar Religion, mine is best, pick up a sugar Freedom, Freedom yet deep into corruption, pick up a sugar Racist rants, with superior racial jibes so pick up a sugar If only they chose sugar over gun, the "struggle" be sweet. Selfishness, Narrow minded and closed-off superiority. Upon a sense of ridiculed Nationalism, Irony the same Presstitutes shall lick the both sides as and when it fills their coffers. PS: Another one by Sunny . Though he rarely writes, but whenever he does, he comes up with a masterpiece.

Movie Review: Nil Battey Sannata - A true masterpiece by a Debut Director

Nil Battey Sannata is an emotion-filled story of a single mother, Chanda Sahai and her daughter, Apeksha (Appu). The screenplay by the debut director, Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari, I must say couldn't have been presented in a better by any director. The movie is nothing but a smooth running drama without any twists and turns but with some exceptionally brilliant piece of acting and direction. The story is more about a parents' effort for their kids and at the end giving an excellent lesson of importance of education. In the movie, just like any other parent, Chanda , is full of dreams of a bright future of her daughter. She is trying to raise Appu, but finding it difficult along-with all the hard-work and labor she has to do in order to get money for the schooling and food. However, Appu is unable to perform at school and is pretty adamant on not caring for education. A resentful mindset for life-standard which her mother is able to provide her an...

28 and ORPHAN again...!!!

Say No to Old-Age Homes. Respect the people who made you what you are. ( Image Source ) Son decides to admit the father in the old age home as desired by his wife (the daughter-in-law). He brings his father in the car to an Orphanage cum old age home run by a Priest. The receptionist gives different choices like TV, AC , Veg etc. Father says No TV, AC etc. Son goes out to bring luggage from car. The wife calls up to check whether all fine. And also insists that father need not come home even for festivals. The Priest appears and immediately starts talking with the old man. The surprised Son wonders and asks the Priest whether he knows his father before as they were talking as though they knew each other since so many years. Priest with tears in his eyes says.."yes, yes my son, He came here 28 years back and took with him an orphan boy in adoption." ******************************** PS: How easily we youngsters forget what our parents did for us and s...

Udta Punjab: A Well Versed Movie with a small tinge of Bollywood...!!!

*****This review doesn't contain any spoilers.***** I don't think I need to give basic introduce about this movie, especially with all the hype it got due to censor-board and politics. Lemme just give the basic introduction. The movie is starring Shahid Kapoor , Kareena Kapoor , Alia Bhatt and  Diljit Dosanjh in the lead role with a run-time of 149 minutes. Written and directed by Abhishek Chaubey . The story kicks in with a drug addict star, Tommy Singh, who lost a good deal for his release of an album due to his addiction. In parallel, a migrant worker from Bihar finds a packet of drugs in the field. Majorly, the story revolves around Tommy Singh, our migrant worker and the life of a young boy, Bali, who is a drug addict and the brother of a police officer Sartaj Singh. Bali's truth comes out to his brother and family due to his once overdose of drugs when he gets hospitalized. That's when Sartaj meets Dr. Preeti (Kareena Kapoor) for his brother's...

The Grave Gravity...!!!

The grave gravity, No one understands you. And until the situation turns blue , People don't realize you .   (Being a science freak, it becomes mandatory to mention Einstein, right? :P ) An attempt to draw the great Einstein using Dot-Rendering...!!! School teachers declared Albert Einstein insane, And the whole world declared him a retard. Later that retard lad gave a theory, And now to understand that theory people are ready to give rewards. Although Newton realized gravity, Only after apple fell. Later Einstein's theory defied it saying it's space-time continuum, But how everything is interwoven continuum, it took 100 years before anyone could tell. (Many times we underestimate kids, the best example for why we shouldn't do that) Youngsters fall in love, Get married. After marriage they realize, The big mistake they did when in love they got carried. (okay so coming to a serious note, when we don't underst...

My Desire for Satire...!!!

Generally, every month on 3rd Saturday I go for a Poetry meet-up, " Let Poetry Be ". Every month we're given a topic and we've to come up with a poem of our own on the same topic. This generally is fun till the time topic is reasonable. Unlike every other time, t his time the topic was weirdest, "I found you at LPB". But I had to come-up with something and here's how everything came up. Well, I was really confused what to write till the very last week. By chance I asked one of my friends with whom I generally discuss such stuff. During discussion I came up with a thought that in college a guy used to had weed when he wanted to think anything that was tough. So, considering the guy with whom I was discussing is not in town, I went to have a word with another friend of mine and that's how it went:   I asked "Dude, let's go for a weed." He replied "That's not a good deed." I again asked, "Lord Shiva used to...


Some write poetry. Others inspire poetry. Once in a lifetime though you will meet the one person who is poetry.  (For those who say poetry is not their cup of tea: By poetry, I mean, it doesn't have to rhyme, it just have to touch someone where your hands couldn't.) The above lines are not mine but I couldn't help sharing. Once in a blue-moon we meet a person who give you a feeling of meeting someone with whom your frequency matches. They are someone who truly understands you. They know how to handle you in your different moods. Just by some random replies of yours they know something is off with you. They'll just simply know it. Time spent with them just flies by; gives a feeling like only a few moments have been spent with them. Those moments feels like a poetry. You just simply rhyme with them. You feel like you can spend a lifetime with those pals talking or sitting idle. But you never know what life has planned for you ahead. Sometimes you real...

Horlicks Indiblogger Meet...!!!

***Sigh*** A bloggers meet after long time; though few happened, but I was unable to attend them lately due to some prior commitments. When this invite came I was, indeed, really excited. Well, it was really an eventful evening. Firstly it was sunday, then a blogger's meet in Vivanta by Taj clubbed with Mother's Day celebration. Also, the hall was full with chit-chats as parents were allowed to bring kids with them. Also not to mention the Bangalore was back to its beautiful weather, so a  bike ride to the event was not at all a problem. First we're welcomed with juices and beverages; only soft drinks (as the event was about health, nutrition and immunity :P ). Well, it was a real fun to have Horlicks after long time. The event started with a usual introduction and a special video and warm welcome for all the mothers on the special occasion of Mother's Day. It was followed by the presentation by Jill Castle. The talk was really insightful with lots of ...

Unfinished Business...!!!

People come; become part of your life; and leave you to make themselves your life's Unfinished Business.  PS: This was written as part of prompt "Unfinished Business" by Friday Phrases . PPS: Life keeps on playing with us. People come and people leave. Only thing that remains is their memories and hence this post...  

Memories of My Melancholy Whores - Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez

Book: Memories of My Melancholy Whores Author:  Gabriel Garcia Marquez Rating: 4/5 Pages: 115 ISBN-10: 0307278492 ISBN-13: 978- 0307278492   Just to give a heads-up, to understand this book, you need to enter the mind-frame of an old man, ninety year old fellow. The guy has lived his life as a second-grade reporter who has never married and has never fell in love. Only thing on the name of love life and relationships he had was the time he has spent with whores whom he has always paid. Yes, by paid, he has ensured the women he spent time with is never left unpaid. His philosophy " Sex is the consolation you have when you can't have love. "   The book starts at a pretty weird point where on the eve of his 90th birthday, the old man decides to make love with a virgin. Yes, it does sounds pretty weird. Well, he finally manages to gift himself with a 14-year old virgin. A girl, may possibly a whore in future, just sleeps with him on every night ...

Types of Sapiens on Mother's and Father's Day...!!!

  Coming straight to the point. There are 3 type of such sapiens: 1) Who won't ask about their parents all year, except just post a sentimental type post on social media tagging their mother or father. 2) Another one is people who care won't post anything, as they're either not comfortable sharing anything on social media or they think it's stupid to share anything on social media just on one day or they don't know any such day exists. Considering 21st century and technological advancements in it, I'd say they know such days exist but are bad at expressing. 3) This category is the one, it doesn't matter whether they post anything anywhere or not, for whom the day, like father's or mother's day, is celebrated. They are the one who generally end up longing for their kids reactions or to be precise sometimes end up longing for their kids to talk to them. PS: I personally feel there is a rule in China which needs to be implemented in ...

Creativity needs time. Nurture it, Don't murder it - Part 2

Few days back I wrote a blog-post about Indian system of educating and where, when and how the creativity of a kid dies. For those who missed it, here is the link: Creativity needs time. Nurture it, Don't murder it...!!! Today actually for the second time I came across a video about the education system of Finland and why it is best in the world. I was so much tempted to share it here, one for the personal record so that I don't miss it in future (when needed) and second to motivate few more for the brain drain :) Yes, I know now many of you will start arguing and telling me that I'm anti-national, so be it. I'm just quoting the truth and I don't care what you guys think. As I said in my last post, let the kid decide what he/she wants to do and not the parents. As parents and teachers, we have to just expose them to all the available options since day-1 of their education. By God's grace, they have a sufficient brain of theirs. Only thing...


Sometimes the mind is so much confused that you sit for hours just looking at the ceiling fan, or holding a pen-diary or maybe a laptop in front of you just scrolling through random websites without reading or noticing anything, but you don't scribble anything, not a single word.  PS:A state of mind in which a everyone often goes.

The Identity - Dreamystified

So many veils not to reveal what resides within me, Among all the chaos of conflicting thoughts I see. Narrowing my vision to gain clarity, To know what's right and meant to be. You took my hand to bring me back to reality, Only to see all is hidden from visibility. Time favors to pose a self that's not real me. All innocence shall now go for a toss, Greed is the need, ignorance is beauty, Confining to world's barrier is the safety. Close all doors, not let a thought to show my identity. Is this the world that's synonymous to harmony? Oh soul, what's surviving is the heartless me. PS: This is the first guest post by a very good friend of mine who goes by the pen name: Dreamystified. After a lot of convincing she finally agreed to send me few of her writings. Here is one of them from her based on one of my sketches.  

Prison of Illusion...!!!

Yin and yang with all the ifs, Her heart was still soft inside, yet so stiff. In the system she is happy to be, Or just seems to be? Restrictions by the society, Suppressed her skills of great variety. Forced to be covered in many veils, It looked like she was in a life-long trial. All her youth, they trained her to work like slave, All her life serving others and making them happy she goes to grave. Thanks to this, society was dying, But this couldn't make her stop from her will of flying. No-one was helpful, when she tried to step out, Instead, they tried holding her in their clouts. Resistance couldn't hold her, success came to her, As with every action of hers the world got stirred. She proved that she was gallant, Proved she is superior to man, she was a soldier so valiant. The same who used to presume she was designed only to be a housekeeper, Nothing worked for them as she acheived success proving others' thoughts just creepier. Coming...

Creativity needs time. Nurture it, Don't murder it...!!!

The day a parent stops a kid from doing something which he/she is good by giving a reason that "There is no future in it, it's a time waste", the same day the creativity within a child has been murdered brutally. Go to a kid of 1st or 2nd grade and ask them to paint anything, they will start doing it without thinking of outcome. Now go to 12th grade and ask them to do the same, majority will say they don't know. They both might not be good, but the 1st graders are at least not afraid of doing it. By the time they reach 12th grade, they have been judged so many times that even if they're good at something they'll give up on that believing that they are not good at it. Culprit is society or people around us. Victim is the person who is made to believe that he/she is not good at doing it. This is just one example that popped up my mind after watching the video and a millions of other examples can be quoted. The society we live in has forced us, at...

The Sound of Silence...!!!

Nothing feels right, To me, apart from myself, everyone around looks light. Life feels weird, Everyone around makes me feel smeared. I try to work out the things, Tried for satisfaction, but for it, as of now not a single bell rings. I've lost all focus, be it work or be it studies, Where is my future heading that's what one of my ultimate worries. Is this life playing tricks? Is this the reason I feel like asking "Why do I even exists?" Looking for help, I use distractions like sketching, cartoons, books and poetry, But these are short lived 'coz when they are over I realize I'm again surrounded by misery. The person I wanna be with won't talk, Forget about having a blissful evening walk. It really feels disheartening, when your only mistake is by making a strong friendship built, The person you called friend gives you a feeling of guilt. The sound of silence is something that really haunts me, But agai...

His Futile Anxiety...!!!

Like a caterpillar covered in a chorial shell, Letting it grow day by day. He held her tight as in a protective dwell, Carelessly, she slept in his arms in a world so grey. Although known and aware Of her tryst with the world so sly, He is yet so timid to share, His girl, 'coz what if all goes wry? "Am I being overprotective?", he thought. Smiling at his futile anxiety, He replied to himself, "Hasn't everyone of us fought, When life bestowed upon us with situations of such variety?" For his child, these thoughts, he is unable to let go. Caring, protective and defensive, isn't that's how a father's mind row? ********************************************************* PS: The above composition is inspired from the sketch which I made few days back. Also the composition is an attempt on Shakespearean Sonnet rhyming scheme(ABAB-CDCD-EFEF-GG).

Light in their own Shadows...!!!

Pic Source: I was fluttering alone Running after flickers of light in the dark meadows. You came as an Angel Made me realize, we fireflies have light in their own shadows.