Nature's lullaby...!!!

All alone at the sea side, She stares at the calm sea spreading wide. Tired and exhausted, She was totally flabbergasted. With all the random thoughts in her brain that slurried, She didn't knew what all thought are to be worried. With so many around to care for her, She never ever had any thoughts to bother. Carelessly she used to roam around, For years, never cared for any wounds. Alas, to act carelessly, in her nature it was moulded, For like a princess, she has always been treated. Surprised and shocked by the sudden loneliness, She tried to recover from weariness. Only question that confused her slightly, "Where has everyone gone and why was she left alone lately?" But it wasn't her nature, that left her with no one around, It was the NATURE around her, that left her with no one around. ********************************************************************************** PS: It was 3.5 hours for sketch and 1 hour of finishing touch... ...