Why to be so much overloaded with EGO?????
At some point of our life, we are granted with SUCCESS....GLORY....and a lot, but sometimes we are granted with FAILURE.....thats the normal course of life and thats how one learn and gain experience in life. Many of us get a lot than expected, many remain in the intermediate range, while many also get failed....that's the way this world is going on.....and we being the part of it have to face one or the other consequences. One reaching on top of the world and not, thats what i was trying to say..Why some of us deserving to be on top remain back to the ground instead of shining like a star???? I don't know what's the main reason but it might be our luck or something like that what we have got or its our luck we have designed for ourselves on our own....But when one gets something more than expected somehow or the other many of us get covered with what we call it as an "EGO" . I just wanted to say that why are some, amongst us are so much overloaded with ego, t...