
Showing posts from August, 2013


Creativity is found in many forms. Sometimes we name it as JOBLESSNESS , sometimes we call it stupidity and sometimes Wow/Awesome/Amazing/etc. (many adjectives are there, hard to mention all of them). Found this third category(wow/awesome/amazing) video in my collection. This guy goes for a world tour and compiles his journey in 60 seconds. Worth a watch. Enjoy...cya...

India: Normal Day vs Rakhi Day...!!!

Its almost the end of the day and surprisingly it was one of the best days. Don't worry, nothing interesting happened with me. The best days because there wasn't any news of rape or extortion against women in any news website(atleast I didn't found). What can be the possible reason...Rakhi...? ?? Maybe, yes. Rakshabandhan "The day when you don't find those guys roaming out who're seen out every day & night stalking & whistling at girls." Today, this was the status on my twitter in the morning. And now, when I was totally free, well you can't be free if you're in my college, so in other words, I was not in a mood to do anything. So I drew this for this special day: Click on the image for larger view   PS: Well, to sum up, Happy Rakshabandhan to all the brothers and sisters around and also to my dear sister . And special thanks to Rakshabandhan. If this is really the reason, then I wish, those sick minded...

When fights used to start with "My Dad is Strongest. No, my Dad is Strongest."

********************************** Kid 1: My dad is strongest. . Kid 2: No, my dad is strongest. . And then the fight starts and finally parents had to get involved to take their kids back. ********************************** 1) Dad = Superman: That's how kid's in 90's used to think, most of the time it was one of the most common way how the fight starts among the kids of 90's. Last week I got a package from Flipkart and in which I found the product wrapped in bubble sheet with which I played till the time all the bubbles were flattened and that reminded me of 2) Bubble Sheet = Bomb: How we (kid's of 90's) used to play with things which were used by our parents for completely different purpose. Just felt nostalgic, so I started making a note of what all those things we did and then today I did this all this... :D   3) Umbrella = Gun: 4) Hallway and walls = Canvas: I bet, every single child has sometimes or the other h...