
Showing posts from February, 2015

Just One Click & You Can Help Someone FREE OF COST...!!!

According to the latest numbers, only 29.8% of people in India are POOR, is it really true...??? Well, government says if you're earning 32 rupees every day and you're living in villages, then you're not poor. Also if you're able to earn 47 rupees every day in a city, then you're not poor. How can 47 or 32 rupees can fulfill your basic necessities. You won't be able to get one proper meal in 79 rupees (47+32) forget about 47 and 32 individually. These days even Public toilet also costs you up to 2 to 5 rupees just to allow you to attend your nature calls. Along with that people have their basic needs, FOOD/SHELTER/CLOTHING. From where will they get that...??? Because if you roam around naked, People and Police will beat the shit out of you. Don't believe me, watch this video below. In short, shelter and clothing is necessary. Every religion in India is allowed to follow their own customs, then why ain't this...??? so if you believe m...

Dinner Will be Served...!!!

No offenses to anyone(ASUS or Indiblogger). Everyone is putting the traditional header. So I thought, let me put the actual title for the post. The line which tempted many to come for the meet. Partially true for myself too. Don't believe me, ask anyone. O ne fellow even mentioned it on being asked his reason to come there is, "It was mentioned in the mail that Dinner will be served." Okay...lets get back to business. The reasons why I went to the meet...??? Asus reminded me of my first computer, which is now more than 10 years old. It has Asus motherboard and its still working. So our relationship goes way back and personal. That's why I had to go. The products are very reliable. Similarly, Zenfone series, never heard any shits about it. Their attempt in the phone market is really successful unlike Moto G, where reactions were mixed . And now they have released EeeBook X205TA. The specs, considering the price range, are really good. Lets hope this...