
Showing posts from February, 2011

Game Theory Encountered...!!!

Since the day I have started watching NUMB3RS, I have been fascinated by one of the best wonders of mathematics... "The Game Theory..." . I wasted a lot of my time in just reading about it, and just exploring the ways which it was used in NUMB3RS.....and it became one of my dreams to understand it completely. And then suddenly 3 days ago I was encountered with the same great theory but totally in an unwanted fashion...I never dreamt the way it appeared in my life...It was in the project management subject which I hated since the very first day, as its part of the "Professional Development..referred as PD in my earlier posts..." which I understood..... But obviously, it was one of the areas where game theory can be applied....infact it can be applied in any of the areas that you can imagine....and in the past few years, a significant number of Nobel Prize have been won in Game Theory itself....Still Game Theory is being explored like the endless universe.....Simpl...

That day...She chose "DARE" ;)

Everyone of you must have played it atleast once...and for those who've never even heard of it before lemme tell you that in this game one has to choose between truth and dare and accordingly he/she is given the task to perform....whatever...:P 25th Feb, 2009...during the lunch break, we were playing "Truth or Dare"....and she chose "DARE"...and we asked her to propose "Ayush" and next day the most interesting and unexpected outcome of this game came.....the proposal resulted in a real commitment.....;) And today....26th their anniversary....congratulations to both of you.....GOD Bless U....:) Ohh...sorry..."She" is "Swati" here...:P Sorry guys......couldn't find a better picture of you two....;)

Still they're happy, and We're complaining...!!!

We're given with everything since childhood, Still we cry for everything. They didn't got anything since childhood, Still they enjoyed everything. Still they're happy, and We're complaining. We played with the best of our toys, They played with mud. We survived with full care and hygiene, They survived out of dirt and dumps. Still they're happy, and We're complaining. We got the best schools to study in, They labored with their family to build those best schools. We got the best quality shoes, They got our rejected one from the garbage dumps. Still they're happy, and We're complaining. We enjoyed the cool breeze of AC in summers, They survived the 'Loo Winds' in summers. We enjoyed the warmth of heaters in winters, They survived the icy winds in winters. Still they're happy, and We're complaining. We earn thousands for our luxuries, They earn a couple of hundreds for their needs. We waste plenty and still unsatisfied, They can't...

Just for a CHANGE...!!!

When you come out of the exam hall, you will find yourself in one of the following categories: 1) Those who have attempted each correctly, and are confident of their solutions, 2) Those who have attempted everything correctly, but they will start crying "I've not attempted anything, didn't knew how to solve any of them..." or so, 3) Those who have attempted full paper, and have done everything to full satisfaction, but they will still say "It was OK types.... :(", because of the fear of friends as none of them have attempted the paper completely and they beat the hell out of you, 4) Those who have done some part of it, but still satisfied, 5) Paper partially attempted, and crying. 6) Not done anything, but fully satisfied... Today after very long time, maybe just for a change, almost after 2 yrs I felt myself in the 1st category - alone...and then got shifted to the 3rd one...lolzz...Although it was a nice feeling that my paper has gone well, and everyone...

My First Sand Painting...!!!

On 6th Feb, last day of our college fest, two of my friend told me that we are taking part in some sand painting competition and I said "OK". Then soon I realized that I was also part of the word "we" he used, actually my name was also been added in the participants along with them, as their team members...What would i have said, I said OK. And then the main issue was what should we draw on a black piece of paper with sand and fevicol(the ultimate adhesive)...considering the theme of your drawing has to do something with nature...:P We then thought of many things, and at last came out with 2 of the conclusions... 1st one was... But soon we realized that we are not on a beach, we are sitting on a tiled floor, with small quantity of sand, and then we thought of something with which you all are very much familiar.... Taj Hotel Disaster.... and then we started drawing, Starting with a rough sketch with the pen, and then moving on slowly adding traces of fevicol o...


Sometimes in life many things happen by chance. Sometimes you are forced to do it, sometimes you are made to do it, but nothing gets in the proper order if you are not completely into it, last night I too did something in a similar way... Yesterday when i came to my room, a friend of mine handed back to me my keyring and i saw what i never wanted to.....Actually it was a Rubiks Cube and was properly arranged.....he messed up everything...So i searched for the algorithm on net, and got it in just approx 20-30 minutes.....Obviously it was shocking but I did it... I always treated it as something that i can't do, but somehow that turned out to be a simple one...;) So right now...i'll only say...."Just Do It...!!!"