This time its NUMBERS...not NUMB3RS...!!!
OK...I already mentioned sometime back that I'm fascinated by the magic of numbers, and started watching "NUMB3RS"..... I heard from some sources that 3rd year always keep you in the most busy mode, in all of your 4 years of engineering...and now when this semester has proved itself to be a busy semester.....I've found ways to get some time out for my entertainment and kept looking for some wonders in maths.....and this is what I found this time.....A nice pattern....See if you can also figure it out..... 526315789473684210 x 02 = 1052631578947368420 526315789473684210 x 04 = 2105263157894736840 526315789473684210 x 08 = 4210526315789473680 526315789473684210 x 16 = 8421052631578947360 526315789473684210 x 13 = 6842105263157894730 526315789473684210 x 07 = 3684210526315789470 526315789473684210 x 14 = 7368421052631578940 526315789473684210 x 09 = 4736842105263157890 526315789473684210 x 18 = 9473684210526315780 526315789473684210 x 17 = 8947368421052631570 52631578...