
Showing posts from September, 2010

This time its NUMBERS...not NUMB3RS...!!!

OK...I already mentioned sometime back that I'm fascinated by the magic of numbers, and started watching "NUMB3RS"..... I heard from some sources that 3rd year always keep you in the most busy mode, in all of your 4 years of engineering...and now when this semester has proved itself to be a busy semester.....I've found ways to get some time out for my entertainment and kept looking for some wonders in maths.....and this is what I found this time.....A nice pattern....See if you can also figure it out..... 526315789473684210 x 02 = 1052631578947368420 526315789473684210 x 04 = 2105263157894736840 526315789473684210 x 08 = 4210526315789473680 526315789473684210 x 16 = 8421052631578947360 526315789473684210 x 13 = 6842105263157894730 526315789473684210 x 07 = 3684210526315789470 526315789473684210 x 14 = 7368421052631578940 526315789473684210 x 09 = 4736842105263157890 526315789473684210 x 18 = 9473684210526315780 526315789473684210 x 17 = 8947368421052631570 52631578...

This time it was totally unexpected...!!!

Usually, every year.....everyone waits for atleast one day.....his/her birthday.....but this year it went like nothing.....Never ever felt like my birthday is coming until the week before my friends asked me..."where's the treat dude, your birthday is coming???" Still everything went for the whole week like it was nothing, and even the special day also went like it was nothing.....Only moments, when i felt like it was my birthday, were only when i saw a lot of updates on facebook and messages on my cell.....Never felt like celebrating it..... Don't know why.....but this birthday totally passed by in an extremely low profile..... cya later...bbye.....

Not Again.....

Seems that some bad days are going on.....Something or the other is happening around me that's somehow distracting my mind completely. You can say that they are somehow a sort of similar, but completely different.....different in the sense that they are not inter-related but somehow they all get linked to me.....and disturb my routine life..... A couple of weeks ago, Death of Rahul Dhamija , it completely ruined my tests and unfortunately i was not even able to enjoy the silver jubilee of my parents .....In a sense it was totally got ruined(on my behalf).....and now 3-4 days before just a nice friend of mine lost her mother.....totally unexpected and shocking news for everyone..... Ok.....none of them were related to me.....but Dhamija was a close friend of mine, just some thoughts still keep coming across my mind. Similarly the second case, if something like that happens to any of your friend, what will be your reaction????? Just try to think about it, you will get the answer t...

Proposal Techniques...!!!

OK....So i'm not doing any PhD on this topic, but just had a small discussion the other night with my friend and now I thought to scribble here a bit on this topic..... Moreover, I'm neither committed nor planning to get so in the near i don't know if something happens so..... Lets put it in descending order of the ranking I gave them..... Third... Proposing from the other building's roof... But in this one you are already so close to your were with her already.....So i think it was very much implied.....however was a cute way....moving on to the 2nd one... Second... A very innovative way....Can't be described....just have a look at it.... This was the best one but suddenly I got something, which I liked more than anything..... First... Mathematical Proposal.....dats it..... Actually since my childhood I loved mathematics like everything.....Thanks to my dad.....and this was the most innovative one.........but how did o...