An Extremely Restless December...!!!

Firstly a very very Happy New Year to all of you.....
Actually what I planned and hoped to be my vacations to be as, they weren't so.....too much traveling, too much restlessness broke all my plans of sleeping, but due to some reasons they went well, infact you can say extremely good.....due to some breaking news 1) My sister's Rokka ceremony was done on December 21st, 2010. 2) Got my eyes operated, and 3) Sri Guru Granth Sahib was permanently shifted to my bua's place..... These three events took away my 21 days of rest and peace.....I was home for only 3 days for the whole vacations.....:P Everyone kept saying "beta rest karle tu, tera kya kaam hai....", but how??? Hoping that this semester i will sleep properly..... BTW Happy Lohri To all of you....cya....


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