Happy Marriage Anniversary Dear...!!!

DISCLAIMER: I don’t have any experience in this field and am not in a mood to have any for atleast few more years…but was asked to come up with something (atleast some lines) on "Marriage" (by my father) on the occasion of my sister’s anniversary…so here they are…you can just skip few of these next lines if you’re in no mood to go through something really inexperienced and maybe stupid… :P
for those who opted to continued...here you go... :)

A formal union of a man and a woman,
As husband and wife.
A formal union of a man and a woman,
For the whole life.

A formal union of a man and a woman,
As one soul.
A formal union of a man and a woman,
Complementing each other as a whole.

A formal union of a man and a woman,
Making one soul rely on strangers.
A formal union of a man and a woman,
Uniting two souls as they were never ever strangers.

A formal union of a man and a woman,
Makes one realize that life is not about him(/her)self.
A formal union of a man and a woman,
Makes one realize that life is about themselves.


--May GOD bless you with all the happiness of the world.
Wish you a happy married life ahead.


  1. Happy anniversary to Deep and Karan from my side too ..


  2. Best wishes on your sister's marriage anniversary ~

    Cheers ~

  3. Happy Marriage Anniversary to Deep and Karan :)

    Beautiful creation, Sarab!
    You rock with your words :)
    Cute collage- set of precious moments.

    My best wishes!
    Stay Smiling and Blogging :D

  4. It isn't stupid. Very sweet lines straight from heart :)
    Happy Marriage Anniversary to your sister :)

  5. :D thank you....
    tht was nice bhai :) :)
    but i m sure u'll b able to write a better one, after a few years ;) :P

    1. actually I was expecting this ":P" at the end... ;)

  6. Lovely, btw what was your sister's reaction after reading it. I bet she would be proud and touched. :)

    1. Thank you so much Saru... :)

      My sister's reaction: you can read "deep"'s comment above... :P
      and no comments on that "proud and touched" part...lolzzz... ;)

  7. I am also sailing in the same boat as you but I don't think I could have come up with something as beautiful and simple as those lines. I am sure your sis and your bro-in-law were touched. Convey my regards to them. :)

    1. thank you so much dear... :)
      regards conveyed... ;)

  8. Thus we all battle and we all cannot actually shadi have to look at one other. Doing this struggle signifies there is very little closeness among us. Considering it this way tends to make me think that the reconciliation is usually in no way about to transpire.


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