Mrs. Pratibha Patil: ANGEL for RAPISTS and CRIMINALS...!!!

OKAY...!!! I know that it has already been more than a month now, and almost every blogger friend of mine has written something on this topic, but better late than never, I've been waiting for some free time since then and finally I get some ;)

Lets start with some basics:

President of India and the role of the person holding that chair:

  • The President of India is the head of state of the Republic of India. The President is the formal head of the executive, legislature and judiciary of India and is the commander-in-chief of the Indian Armed Forces.
  • Regarding Powers and Duties, read this. But I'd like to quote one thing that's most important or you can say one of the most important, "Pardoning Powers" where president can pardon even a "DEATH SENTENCE".

Leaving back the basics and coming directly to my point, you must have seen the girls/women were the one who were the most significant during the "Nirbhaya's Rape Case". That was obvious, but here one question I'd like to ask is...
Isn't it the duty of a lady to defend at-least a lady in any such similar situation, and if not able to defend at that point of time, then if she has the power then she should take some steps to prevent such problems in the future...???

Lets see some of the great deeds of the lady...Mrs. Pratibha Patil:

Going directly to some stats:
  • In her whole tenure, she has commuted 35 death sentences, which is approximately more than 93% of all the death sentences commuted since 1981.
  • Out of 35, 7 cases were purely of RAPE CASE.
  • I don't know the count, but almost 5-8 more were "MURDER + RAPE" cases.
  • Out of 35, 1 case which she commuted, in that the person was already dead years ago.
*******Expenditure she did on her own and other "shits", you all know, so I won't discuss that.

If and only if, she would have taken some strict measures, not as a president who thinks about her seat but as a lady considering the fact any such thing might have occurred to any member of her family also if she had not been at such secure post. Or may be as a true president who looks after his/her duty first, like "Zail Singh" who was famous for the statement "I'm not above Law" whenever some death sentence plea comes to him or like "A.P.J. Abdul Kalam" need to tell, everyone of you knows about him.

I don't think I need to write more, but think about my point at-least once considering what I exactly wanted to say because sometimes I end-up being a bad guy with some bad word especially in such cases and being on social media I don't want to use any such bad words for the lady.

PS: Just wish, India never ever gets such a person on such post where he/she doesn't belong to.


  1. You succeeded in putting across a strong message in a subtle way... It aches to c injustice being pardoned in the name of human rights... But what about the human rights of the people whose right to live was denied!

    1. Should ask this question directly to people like Mrs. Pratibha Patil... ;)

  2. Hi Sarabjeet,

    Hmm, interesting, I did not know of these facts. So, do you think that females are better executors of justice, than males? Do they handle decisions in a much better manner?
    I feel that is the case. Females do bring a different perspective to any chair or position they occupy. What are your thoughts on that?

    P.S. Do check out my entry for Get Published.



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    1. dude...neither I'm saying females are better nor I'm saying males are better...I just want to say who-so-ever it is...should think like a "HUMAN"...

  3. Mayb a superstitious president was wary of blood on her hands.. and mellowed down to the great indian astrologer above the government and justice.

    1. but how can these people reach at places where they don't belong to...???

  4. this is something i was not aware of. all i can say is - shame on her!

  5. I do have immense respect for women for all the struggles and hardships they have to endure but I guess one woman towards whom I have least respect for is Prathiba Patil. We all know her notorious travel expenses, but pardoning rapists and murderers is unacceptable. Very well said bro. :)

  6. I have check this out on google before believing it.. I don't doubt you but just shocked!

  7. I never respected Pratibha Patil as the President...Your post makes me glad that I never bothered respecting her!!

    1. and believe me...she will never be respected in the future...atleast not in this life of hers or many millions more(due to her acts)... :)

  8. O .. i was not aware of all this ..
    It's a unique post ..shocking ..!!

    1. I don't know how I became aware of it...but had a similar reaction and ended up doing a lot of research on the topic whose gist is here in front of u... :)


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