Quarter-Life Crisis...!!!

Am I an adult?
Well that's what my parents say.
What I'm going to do in future,
I don't really see any clear and positive ray.

Elders ask: "Done with Masters?"

We say: "Yes"
Elders ask again: "Earning handsomely?"
We again say: "Yes"

Has anyone ever asked: "Are you happy?"

"Is this what you wanted?"
No, Because next statement always goes,
"Son, you're earning handsomely, so get married, grandchildren is what we wanted"

Having big bank balance, is this everything?

No it isn't.
But not having big bank balance, is that wise thing?
No it isn't.

Then what exactly is a wise thing?

Well nobody's knows.
Even the big and famous counselors, psychologists and therapists who get payed to sooth you,
They have also been through such phase, and they surely have been in the list of "Nobody knows".


What am I doing in life, and
Where am I exactly heading towards?
Only option right now feels right is,
To go with the flow and see what is planned from now onwards.

After reading this, I know that many people will call me,
With millions of advices.
So All I want to say is, "Dear folks, well this is called,
Quarter-Life Crisis."

Everyone faces it,

But some ignore it with some vices.
By the way, will talking help?
No, because talking is not what Introverts uses when such panic arises.

PS: Well, it happens. Ignore it.


  1. Great thought and lovely poem, Sarabjeet!

  2. Life is a journey that needs constant figuring out. You are not alone there.

  3. I liked the phrase 'Quarter life crisis'. Yes such crisis occurs from time to time in a petrson;s life. Very well penned Sarabjeet.

  4. I loved the phase 'quarter life crisis'... beautifully penned Sarabjeet... loved every line... :-)
    Cheers, Archana - www.drishti.co

    1. Thanks Archana. I recently figured out everyone goes through this crisis and everyone figures out the way out of it. Hopefully I'll also figure the way out soon...!!!

  5. The instinct to survive is what drives human
    What is survival? Varies from man to man
    Gambling for experiences and hungry at journey
    Shall kick in survival instinct to be foolish and sunny

    Let not the gloomy world of self assurance said
    Devoid of the challenges bother what lies ahead
    Quarter is just a starter, the main serving comes after the soup
    Losing way is not an option or else will end up in a seated coup.

    1. too good man...!!!
      PS: you've always been one of the inspirations for me :)

  6. Good one.. It describes different phases of life..

  7. Good one.. It describes different phases of life..

  8. Good one.. It describes different phases of life..


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