Are you a spell writer?, or
You yourself are a spell?
You've spell bounded me for a long time my friend,
And I'm unable to get out of the spell.
Things feel like I'm floating in an constrained gelly like universe,
Or is it a closed shell?
Sometimes with hazy feelings, it feels like I'm a frog,
Who's unable to come out of his well.
Everything seems so fancier to me,
Am I becoming habituated to this as a dwell?
With no discernible division into parts,
Is it a continuum?
PS: A random scribble from long time ago which I forgot to post. Found it in the old archives.
I'm OD-ing on a lot of Harry Potter this week so your "spell" makes me think of love potions :-P Sorry about that! Many times, we all like being frogs who like staying inside the wells - that's where complacency kicks in, and at some level, hampers growth. Let's start leaping forward, and hopefully we'll reach great new heights!