The Perfect Example...!!!

These days we are studying a subject "Financial Management".....So many terms have come across during the whole semester which has ruined my life.....One of them was the "OPPORTUNITY COST"..... And today, when i opened my dashboard to see the updates on the other blogs and sites.....I found the perfect example to understand the opportunity cost on abstrusegoose and finally i somehow was able to learn about the above term.....lemme show you how it made me understood the term..... click on the pic. for better view....... So a big thanks and blessings to who-so-ever posted it on the site......;) Enjoy reading it.....and please lemme know if you have more of them so that i can score well in finance.....lolzzz.....:P....gtg...have to prepare for tomorrows xam.....cya....


  1. Haha....Cool guy has an even cooler way of understanding things....first visit to your blog, like your post, getting back to previous posts...and how did the exams go ?

  2. @manku...thnx.....:)


  3. @Poonam J.....haha....Thanks for visit and comment.....
    as far as the exams are concerned.....till now everything is going alright.....just waiting for all of them to end.....:D


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