Those days...!!!

When we don't have to look even for ourselves, When we don't have care for anyone, When we don't have to care for food, When we don't have to care for health, When we don't have anything to loose, When everyone just kept roaming around us for fulfilling our demands, When we just have to ask for what we wanted, When we were free from the tension of studies, When future tensions have never been able to bother us for anything, When we didn't had anything to plan for our future..... PS: Really missing those days.....but can't have them back.....One pessimist said once..."Youth never comes back, and old age never goes away...". However, it totally depends on your thinking that when you're going to get old..... PS: But one optimist has said....."Being young is an accident of mind, youth is a permanent state of mind..." And I would like to add that youth is a permanent state of mind for only those who thinks youthfully, and not for persons having negative view over life..... cya....


  1. yeah... it too passes by too quick!!
    That pic is lot for me to understand the fact..

  2. @deep.....that was the best one that i got...... ;)

  3. beautifully said.. "youth is a permanent state of mind for only those who thinks youthfully, and not for persons having negative view over life."


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