Movie Review: Nil Battey Sannata - A true masterpiece by a Debut Director

Nil Battey Sannata is an emotion-filled story of a single mother, Chanda Sahai and her daughter, Apeksha (Appu). The screenplay by the debut director, Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari, I must say couldn't have been presented in a better by any director.

The movie is nothing but a smooth running drama without any twists and turns but with some exceptionally brilliant piece of acting and direction. The story is more about a parents' effort for their kids and at the end giving an excellent lesson of importance of education. In the movie, just like any other parent, Chanda, is full of dreams of a bright future of her daughter. She is trying to raise Appu, but finding it difficult along-with all the hard-work and labor she has to do in order to get money for the schooling and food. However, Appu is unable to perform at school and is pretty adamant on not caring for education. A resentful mindset for life-standard which her mother is able to provide her and Chanda not able to understand the situation where how she can help Appu, she is forced to join the same school and class as her daughter. That's where the things take U-turn and triggers a sense of competition in Appu with a challenge from her mother to out-perform her.

Rest of the story continues as an expected family-friendly melodrama. However, I must again add that the movie, along-with the perfect mother-daughter angst which has been portrayed very beautifully and sensitively, is also a perfect example of importance of education in life. The most important lesson which is given at the end of the movie in the last scene is that it's not the parent's limitations, but sometimes what limits us is the efforts which we put in achieving our goals.

Rating: 9.5/10

Yes, it deserves this score.

PS: Another beautiful lesson from the movie is how we kids overlook the efforts that our parents have put to raise us. But sooner or later we end up realizing it, don't we?


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