Congrats...2 more to be a TEEN...!!!

Since your birth, you have made our life so easy, that it can't be expressed in words...Thanks a lot... If you weren't there, then to whom would GOOGLE have forwarded us to...??? Anyways...Happy Birthday WIKIPEDIA...May GOD bless you with long life... :D


  1. @deepak...thnx... :)
    @shanoj...thnx... :)

  2. Wishing Wiki the same with U. Nice write-up. Luv ur Blog.

  3. haha I loved ur cover pic and the saying that goes benethe it.It makes a lot of sense to me. And Yea Happy Bday to Wiki

  4. @my-kitchen...thanks a lot...

    @srivats...thanks...hope it helps get over your problems... :)

  5. Real long life, we need to find more about Mayawati and her likes


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